
Perfume Storage Tips Everyone Should Know

For long-lasting perfume, it needs proper storage. Avoid heat, light, and fluctuating temperatures, storing perfume upright in a dry, dark location like a wardrobe. Excessive humidity can degrade the perfume, and sunlight can alter its scent. Perfume bottles should be kept capped and not shaken. Ideally, place them on a lower shelf to prevent breakage.

If you wish to use your perfume, without it going bad within months, proper storage is all it requires. Proper storage of perfumes improves their longevity.

This article explores pro tips for optimal perfume storage which will preserve your fragrance and extend its lifespan.

Store Your Fragrance In A Dry, Dark Place

The first tip here is to keep your perfumes away from heat, light, and fluctuating temperature. Place your perfumes uprightly in a dry, dark place.

This tip is important as exposure to light breaks down the liquid’s sensitive structure

Frequently exposing your perfume bottle to the sun would alter the scent of your perfume

 It is generally best practice to store your perfume bottle away from windows and bathrooms. Yes, your bathroom. Fluctuating temperature doesn’t suit your fragrance.

Excessive humidity can it to break down. Your wardrobe is your best bet or any other dark, dry option.

Keep The Lids On

The less exposure your perfume has to open air, the better. Never leave the cap off after using your perfume. Make sure the cap is firmly in place when putting it back on the bottle.

Perfume storage tips
Photo by Rachel Claire on

Don’t Shake

Most are guilty of this, shaking their perfumes. It’s not a soft drink, don’t shake it. Shaking the bottle can expose the perfume to excess air, which your perfume wouldn’t appreciate.

Avoid shaking your perfume before applying, unless stated otherwise.

Low Height

Perfumes are scared of height (Kidding). What this is saying is that your perfume bottle should be kept on a low shelf.

A fragile bottle could easily shatter if placed on a high shelf which will ruin the whole thing. Always keep your perfume on the floor of a closet or on a lower shelf

On a final note,

Exposure to sunlight ruins your perfume’s structure. Store your perfume right by protecting it from light, heat and fluctuating temperature. The best condition to keep your perfume is dry and dark.

You can store your perfume in the bathroom if only you have a closet there. Make sure your perfumes have their lids on. And do not shake your perfume.

Cheers to a long lasting fragrance.

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